
weight loss

Up to 15% weight loss and lifestyle

intervention, delivered virtually by physicians.

Health consequenses of obesity

Adult obesity is associated with a striking reduction in life expectancy, particularly among those who develop obesity when they are young (eg, < 40 years old). In meta-analyses, both obesity and overweight have been associated with an increased risk of all-cause mortality.

higher risk for diabetes


higher risk for coronary artery disease

higher risk for cancer
By treating obesity, we significantly reduce the risk of common diseases.

Our mission

We increase patient healthspan by treating obesity and lifestyle related risk factors.

Obesity is a complex health issue that not only increases the risk of diabetes but also raises the risk of developing other serious conditions such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and dementia. We recognize that obesity is not only a major risk factor of disease, but also a disease itself that affects an increasing portion of the population, and we are committed to delivering personalized treatment plans that address both the physical and emotional aspects of the condition.


Our mission is to help combat the global health burden of obesity by providing effective, compassionate, and accessible care to those who need it most.


Our virtual clinic offers convenient and flexible options that make it easy for patients to access the care they need, no matter where they are. We believe that everyone deserves to live a healthy and fulfilling life, and we are dedicated to helping our patients achieve their weight loss and wellness goals by addressing the root cause of these health problems, we help our patients live longer, healthier, and happier lives.

How it works?

We trust scientific evidence and treat our patients accordingly. On average, our members achieve and sustain 15% weight loss.
Eligibility and baseline risk assessment
Complete our questionnaire to determine whether you are eligible for our program. You will be asked questions about your medical history for our physicians to assess.
Lively Health physicians
You will work with Lively Health physicians to assess your risk of disease and develop a customized intervention plan, aiming to have a major impact on your overall health and wellbeing.
Science-backed intervention
Our approach is grounded in scientific research and is designed to help you improve your metabolic health across all key areas: food, sleep, exercise, and emotional well-being. Our team of healthcare professionals, including our physicians and health advisors, will provide ongoing support and follow-up to help you achieve your goals.
We believe in the effectiveness of our scientifically-backed approach and stand behind our program. Once you achieve your weight loss and health goals, we will continue to support you in sustaining those achievements for the long-term.

Am I eligible?

Our intervention is available to individuals for whom the following apply. Our dedicated physicians will develop a customized intervention plan for all individuals.


Pay for results, not appointments. For sustainable results, we offer a 12 month membership.
Sustainable weight loss and reduction in metabolic risk factors
159€ / month*
Baseline risk assessment
Personalized lifestyle intervention plan
Medical intervention if applicable (medication costs not included)
Messaging and follow-up with health advisors
Messaging with personal, dedicated physician
Access to community
*for 12 months